Snarl of the Month...

Women Dogging Women
by Tami

Lovers cheat on each other. We all know this because we all know someone who's cheated, or we've been cheated on, or maybe we've even cheated on a lover ourselves. It's not like it's a rare occurrance. But what's really amazed me as I've gotten older and spent a little more time in the world, is how often women who have been cheated on take out their anger solely on "the other woman" instead of on the man who's cheated on them.

I saw this set up on a talk show the other day (it doesn't really matter which talk show, does it? they're all the same) where these two beatiful, otherwise intelligent seeming women came to a scratching, biting, hairpulling brawl over some idiot guy who was cheating on both of them. Hello? They were fighting each other while Idiot King of the Universe carried on however he pleased? Why weren't they angry at him?

I know that this wasn't some isolated thing that I saw on television because I've seen the same scene played out among my friends. I've known of guys who have managed to play two, three, even four of my friends against each other-- somehow knowing that his cheating ways were only going to make the women angry with each other. I don't understand this kind of behavior. I've tried, I really have, but I don't get it.

Ladies! Are there really so few good men out there that we feel like we have to scratch and bite and brawl over some sorry miserable excuse for a bed-hopping dirtbag? Are our friendships with each other so weak and insecure that we'll throw each other over if some guy comes sniffing around? Do we hate ourselves so much and so deeply that we turn on each other?

The phrase "It Takes Two To Tango" means something from each side. To women who have been cheated on: your man is not some powerless penis-driven sex slave. He does not have to take up every invitation he is given. If your man is a cheater, he is to blame. To women who cheat with otherwise involved men: there are other, freer beds for you to hop into. Leave involved men alone, it's only going to wind up in heartbreak for you!

I'm not trying to say that relationships are easy or that meeting "someone else" isn't a powerful and attractive thing. I'm just saying to think before you hop into bed with someone. Casual sex cheating is probably the worst and most painful kind of all, and the excuse of "it didn't mean anything, it was just physical" is pathetic. If it doesn't mean anything, don't do it! If you're going to cause pain and heartache in a relationship, than it had better at least be for a better reason than that.

I guess the bottom line is that it all comes down to respect. These days, respect seems like a pretty hard thing to come by, and that's really sad. Don't let your life come down like some talk show. Show respect to others, and demand respect for yourself. Peace.

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